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About This Course

After the release of version 3.0 of the Nigeria SE4all platform ( a NESP training series has been developed to support various stakeholders in applying the tool in their daily work and in their decision-making process. The series follows a “basic” and “advanced” approach, whereby the basic approach supports the trainees to confidently use the platform and download the available datasets and the advanced approach additionally allows them to get acquainted with QGIS software and gain knowledge about project development process. 

This course is a first course of the NESP training series and consists of 3 modules:

  • Project – overall project introduction with detailed insights into data collection methods applied within the project, 
  • Webmap – deep-dive into all the three developed webmaps (Mini-grids, SHS and power sector), showing available datasets and applying various criteria for selecting the most optimal site for own project development, 
  • Geodata – explanation how to download the available datasets and open them in Google Earth; demonstration of using geodata in QGIS and what is the added value. 

Additionally, the content of two following courses – 2. QGIS and 3. Project development – will be briefly explained, which should allow the trainees to decide whether they would like to join them and enhance their experience with geospatial applications and project development tools.


Photo Temitope

Temitope Omowumi

Advisor, Electrification Planning GIZ Nigeria

Photo Ifeoma

Ifeoma Obiasogu

Junior Advisor, Electrification Planning GIZ Nigeria

Photo Philip

Philip Egboka

Geodata Analyst & Operations Manager INTEGRATION e&e GmbH
